PlayStation 5 Ads are ramping up | PS5 Daily


PlayStation 5 Ads are ramping up

It has been a while since we’ve heard anything from Sony about PlayStation 5. The PlayStation 5 Hardware Reveal stormed the industry with a lot of buzz and anticipation for more information about the PS5’s release date and price. Two PlayStation 5 Box Arts were revealed [Spiderman and Godfall]. Recently, Sony has been trickling some advertisements on TV in recent weeks. The first one was on August 20, 2020…

And the second one is the most recent one [September 1, 2020]….

PlayStation 5 does not have a firm release date or a firm price point at this time, but Sony said PS5 is releasing Holiday 2020.

About Carlos Morales

I've been writing about Video Games since 2001. I have become a well-known, recognizable name in the industry. I started in 2006, and has accumulated over 1 Million Users, and 4.5 Million Pageviews worldwide. I'll always be most passionate about this wonderful community.

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